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Bodhisattva Superior Practices


9/1/20242 min read

Bodhisattva Superior Practices

  1. Mentioned in ‘Supernatural Powers’ Chapter 15 of the Lotus Sutra.

  2. Bodhisattva Superior Practices is one of the four great Bodhisattvas mentioned in the Lotus Sutra.

  3. Considered as the leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth.

  4. Boddhisattvas of the Earth entrusted with spreading the Mystic Law in the Latter Day of the Law.

  5. Compared to the Lotus Flowers that, unsullied by this impure world and untroubled by earthly desires or afflictions, blossom and bring forth the fruit of enlightenment.

Overview of Bodhisattva Superior Practices

1. Identity and Role:

  • These bodhisattvas led by Bodhisattva Superior Practices are entrusted by Shakyamuni Buddha with the mission to propagate the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law.

  • In this context, Nichiren Daishonin was the first one to stand alone, stake his life on spreading and leading the people towards the the Mystic law.

  • In this way, Nichiren Daishonin demonstrated that his mission and behavior accorded with that of Bodhisattva Superior Practices, seeing his mission as spreading the correct teaching of the Lotus Sutra.

  • Nichiren Daishonin gave himself name “Nichiren” – Sun Lotus. His choice of name expresses his conviction that he is fulfilling the role of “Superior Practices” whoch function is compared to the sun, the moon and the Lotus.

2. Casting off the transient and Revealing the true

  • Nichiren Daishonin overcame multiple persecutions and afflictions during his life.

  • Overcame life threatening Tatsunokuchi persecution. At that time he shed his transient identity as Ordinary Being and revealed his true identity.

  • True Identity = Buddha of the Limitless Joy from the time without beginning.

3. Mission and Significance:

  • The mission of Bodhisattva Superior Practices is to spread the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which Nichiren Daishonin established as the essence of the Lotus Sutra.

  • This mission is crucial for leading people in the Latter Day of the Law to enlightenment.

  • The Bodhisattvas of the Earth, led by Superior Practices, are tasked with encouraging people to awaken to their inherent Buddha nature and to practice the Lotus Sutra, thereby attaining Buddhahood in their present form.

4. Characteristics:

  • Bodhisattva Superior Practices embodies great compassion and courage.

  • He is depicted as fearless in propagating the Lotus Sutra and in protecting those who uphold it, regardless of the opposition or persecution they may face.

  • His actions and life exemplify the spirit of selfless dedication to others, demonstrating the profound qualities of a Bodhisattva who works tirelessly for the enlightenment of all beings.

5. Relevance in Daily Practice:

  • For practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism, embodying the spirit of Bodhisattva Superior Practices means taking on the challenge of sharing the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with others.

  • It also involves developing a compassionate heart and a courageous spirit to face difficulties and help others transform their lives. This is seen as actualizing the principle of “Buddhism in daily life” by applying Buddhist principles in real-world interactions and activities.


Bodhisattva Superior Practices represents the proactive and compassionate aspect of Buddhist practice in the world, emphasizing the importance of spreading the teachings for the enlightenment of all beings. By understanding and embodying his qualities, practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism aim to fulfill their mission in the contemporary world, contributing to peace and happiness for themselves and others.