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Topic 1A: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

The Lotus Sutra:

Understand the concept of

  1. "True Aspect of All Phenomenon" &

  2. "The Attainment of Buddhahood in the Remote Past"

Topic 1B: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

The Lotus Sutra:

Understand the concept of

  1. The Bodhisattvas of the Earth

Topic 1C: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

The Lotus Sutra:

Understand the concept of

  1. Bodhisattva Never Disparaging

Topic 2A: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

Understand the concept of

  1. Suffering Extreme Hatred and Jealousy

  2. The Six Difficult and Nine Easy Acts

Topic 2B: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

Understand the concept of

  1. The Three Powerful Enemies

Topic 2C: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

Understand the concept of

  1. Bodhisattva Superior Practices

Topic 3: Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life

Understand the concept of

  1. The Significance of this Concept

  2. The Structure of Three Thousand Realms

    1. The Mutual Possession of the Ten Worlds

    2. The Ten Factors of Life

    3. The Three Realms of Existence

Topic 4: Embracing the Gohonzon Is in Itself Observing One's Own Mind

Understand the concept of

  1. The Significance of the Gohonzon

    1. The Seed of Buddhahood

    2. "I, Nichiren, Have Inscribed My Life"

    3. The Clear Mirror That Reflects One's Life

    4. The Ceremony in the Air

    5. The Actual Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life

Topic 5A: The Mission and Practice of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth

Understand the concept of

  1. The Vow of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth and the Buddha's Entrustment of his Teachings.

  2. The Great vow to propagate the Lotus Sutra

  3. The Soka Gakkai Is Advancing in Accord with the Buddha's Intent.

Topic 5B: Perceiving Evil and Protecting Good

Understand the concept of

  1. Good Friends in the Realm of Buddhism

  2. Strictness Toward Slander and Flexibility Toward Culture and Customs

Topic 6A: The Lineage and Tradition of Buddhist Humanism

Understand the concept of

  1. Shakyamuni

  2. Buddha - The Awakened One

  3. The Wisdom to Realize the Inherent Dignity of Life

  4. The Compassion to Respect All People

Topic 6B: The Lineage and Tradition of Buddhist Humanism

Understand the concept of

  1. The Lotus Sutra - The Essence of Mahayana Buddhism

  2. Nichiren Daishonin - The Votary of the Lotus Sutra

  3. The Soka Gakkai - Bringing Nichiren Buddhism to Life in Modern Times

  4. The Westward Trasmission of Buddhism and Worldwide Kosen-Rufu

Topic 7A: Repudiating the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood under Nikken

Understand the concept of

  1. Nikken's Grave Offense of Causing Disunity in the Buddhist Order

  2. Correct Faith Means Basing Oneself on the Gohonzon

  3. A Mistaken View of Heritage

Topic 7B: Repudiating the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood under Nikken

Understand the concept of

  1. Discriminatory Attitude Towards the Laity

  2. Misuse of Religious Rituals

  3. Corruption and Immorality