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Quiz Topic 1A: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

  1. "True Aspect of All Phenomenon" &

  2. "The Attainment of Buddhahood in the Remote Past"

Topic 1B: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

  1. The Bodhisattvas of the Earth

Topic 1C: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

  1. Bodhisattva Never Disparaging

Topic 2A: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

  1. Suffering Extreme Hatred and Jealousy

  2. The Six Difficult and Nine Easy Acts

Topic 2B : Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

  1. Three Powerful Enemies

Topic 2C: Nichiren Daishonin and The Lotus Sutra

  1. Bodhisattva Superior Practices

Topic 3: Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life

Topic 4: Embracing the Gohonzon Is in Itself Observing One's Own Mind

Topic: The Mission and Practice of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth

Topic: Perceiving Evil and Protecting Good

The Lineage and Tradition of Buddhist Humanism

Repudiating the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood under Nikken